Hermi(one) Banger (they/them)…
is an anarcho-queer hedgewitch, game designer, writer, artist, organic intellectual and farmer. More…

Affinity Games LLC is the creative collective game company they started with Casey O’Donnell.

FoF is a non-digital card game based on the Tarot for self-reflection and building relationships with other players.

HAZMAT: Cards Against Toxicity is a non-digital card game about hazardous aspects of our lives and how we can potentially be and act better.

After the Collapse is a climate change science fiction (clifi) and solarpunk playset for the story-telling game Fiasco, that uses our own mod called (Not Such a) Fiasco.

Creative Dying is a conversation card game with the intention of offering a low-stakes, accessible way to have meaningful conversations about life and death.

Hermi(one) Banger
Hermi(one) Banger (they/them) has been for the past almost ten years living as a pseudo-hermit hedgewitch and farmer, reading in cozy armchairs and stalking country lanes and wild fallow areas.
Currently they design games for players to play with relationships, gender, ethics, storytelling, queerness, anarchy, community, consensus, and magick.
They are specifically focused on creating “Affinity Games,” games that value: Mutual Aid, Solidarity, Friendship, Autonomy, Voluntary Association, Self-Organization, Direct Action and Direct Democracy.
Their written work is a blend–from academic papers and talks on friendship and dating games, affinity games and anarchism, witchcraft and resistance, relationship anarchy and queerness, to creative non-fiction work, short fiction, plays, poetry, and SFF (science fiction, fantasy, and speculative fiction) most of which you can on this site or their Patreon available for free.
Interested in their work? Contact them at hermionebanger@gmail.com or dm/tweet at them @hermionebanger.
PRIVACY POLICY: There are no ads in my games or on this webpage.
Copyright © Hermione Banger 2020 or Affinity Games 2020, unless it’s not.