First some definitions of terminology:
Balms, salves, and ointments are all oils that you add wax to in order to make it partially solid. The difference between salves, balms and ointments is usually in the amount of beeswax, which changes the texture of the mixture.
The difference between those three and lotions and creams is the presence of water and the process of emulsification (the combining of water and oil/wax). Creams and lotions get “creamy” because water and fats/waxes don’t combine, but when warmed and blended, the fats and oils form small bubbles which the water surrounds and appears to get lighter in color and fluffy, or “creamy”, this is the process of emulsification. The difference between lotions and creams is the amount of water content, lotion having a higher water content.
Salves– A mixture of herbal infused oils and wax but contain usually little or no essential oils. Lower percentage of beeswax than balms and generally softer. Firmer than an ointment or lotion. Does not contain butters or water-based ingredients. Often used to support healing and has more herbal content than balms, usually contains little or no essential oils. Softer texture that allows them to be absorbed into the skin. The texture is easy to smooth over the injury without the pressure required to apply a balm. Also called unguents.
Balms– A mixture of herbal infused oil, some form of wax and essential oils. Higher beeswax content than salves that gives them a harder, thicker consistency that is able to keep its shape. May contain butters, making it smoother than salves. Balms sit more on top of the skin. Often used to prevent damage and is more aromatic than salves. Ratio of wax to oils usually 1 oz wax to 1 cup oil. Balms tend to be more aromatic because of the higher amount of essential oils used. Ex: lip balm, lotion bars, deodorant sticks.
Ointments– generally a mixture of herbal infuse oils, wax and possibly essential oils. The texture is softer than salves, looser and oily. Best stored in a tube or jar with a screw on lid.
Lotions-lotions are emulsions of water and oil/wax with significantly less oil and more water than creams. Some may even oil-free. Lotions often use alcohols to keep the oil and water components from separating, helping create a silky feel. Generally better for people with oily skin and sensitive skin, the thinner formula helps prevent clogged pores and acne breakouts. Better for summer months to allow the skin more breathability.
Creams– creams are emulsions of water and oil/wax with significantly more oil and less water than lotions, close to 50/50 emulsions of water and oil. Because of their high oil content they are thicker, sometimes stiff, and may feel greasy once rubbed in. Generally better for people with dry skin to lock in moisture or provide a protective layer to better keep skin hydrated and supple. Provides more protection from the evaporation on the skin’s surface that happens in colder weather or dry climates/climate controlled air.
A quick word about oils: Don’t worry about investing in expensive oils as your base. Organic olive oil, grapeseed oil, coconut or almond oil all work well and you can find them at the grocery store. For oils that you are using for their scent, like a cedar chest rub or something like that, it’s best to pick an oil that isn’t too heavily scented. I’ve read that olive oil sits on the skin longer and is better for skin-related concerns, while grapeseed oil is more penetrating say, for a muscle rub, and almond oil is especially nourishing. There are many other options to play around with (including more traditional animal byproducts like lanolin and fat), but don’t feel like your infusion won’t work simply because you are doing it with the same olive oil that you cook with.
Since folks reading this may be making different batch sizes, I’m not going to include measurements.
Whichever dilution method you choose, the essential oil content should only account for 0.5% to 2% of the total blend. This equates to 3 to 12 drops per ounce of finished product. This dilution takes into consideration that creams, lotions, serums, and other products are often applied liberally, frequently, and to large portions of the body, and fragrance is usually a secondary concern to the formula’s primary function (moisturizing, smoothing, etc.). Check out this website for calculating your essential oil dilutions.
Bug Salve
For bites, scratches, itches, rashes, burns
- infused olive oil
- coconut oil
- tallow (optional)
- beeswax
- lavender eo
- dried herbs for infusing the olive oil:
- catnip leaves/flowers
- chamomile flowers
- dandelion root
- red clover flowers
- mint leaves/flowers
- st. john’s wort leaves/flowers
- chickweed leaves
- plantain leaves

Skin Salve
For wound healing, anti-inflammatory, eczema, psoriasis, dry and damaged skin, sun spots
- infused olive oil
- coconut oil
- optional: caster oil, jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, or rosehip oil
- beeswax
- dried herbs for olive oil infusion
- red clover flowers
- comfrey leaves/flowers
- calendula flowers
- lavender flowers
- thyme leaves/flowers
- rosemary leaves
- rose petals
- marshmallow roots/leaves/flowers
Muscle Salve
Healing, anti-inflammatory, aches, bruises, muscle soreness, joint and nerve pain, muscle spasms, arthritis, fibromyalgia
- Infused olive oil
- coconut oil
- tallow (optional)
- beeswax
- lavender essential oil
- dried herbs for infusing olive oil
- cayanne pepper fruit/seeds
- dandelion root
- catnip leaves/flower
- st. john’s wort leaves/flowers
- comfry leaves
- cannabis flower/flowers
- lavender flowers
- rosemary leaves
- violet leaves/flowers (fresh)
- plantain leaves
Lip Balm
For moisturizing lips
- 1 Tbsp beeswax
- 1 Tbsp Shea butter
- 2 Tbsp Sweet Almond oil (or coconut or olive oil)
- 5-6 drops orange or mint essential oils
Don’t want to use essential oils?
Infuse olive oil or sweet almond oil with dried mint leaves/flowers
Combine and melt beeswax, shea and coconut if using in double boiler. Add EO and almond oil and poor into containers. Let cool 24 hours then put cap on and store.

Headache Balm
- 3 Tbsp beeswax
- 2 Tbsp Coconut oil
- 2 Tbsp Sweet Almond oil
- 8 drops frankincense EO
- 10 drops peppermint EO
- 12 drops total from spearmint, lavender, rosemary, and/or chamomile
Don’t want to use essential oils? infuse sweet almond oil with peppermint leaves/flowers, spearmint leaves/flowers, lavender flowers, rosemary leaves, and/or chamomile flowers.
Combine beeswax and coconut oil in double boiler and melt, or in pot on very low heat. Add almond oil and essential oils, transfer to container(s) and let cool without covering for 24 hours.
Zip/Wart Zapper
- 2 Tsp coconut oil
- 3 drops frankincense eo
- 3 drops tea tree eo
- 3 drops thyme eo
Melt coconut oil in double boiler. Add essential oils then transfer to containers and let cool without caps for 24 hours.
Anti-Cellulite Body Butter
- ¾ or 1 cup Shea butter
- ½ cup coconut oil
- ½ cup sweet almond oil/jojoba oil/rosehip oil
- 1 tbsp liquid vitamin E or Grapeseed oil
- 20 drops frankincense EO
- 10 drops carrot seed EO
- 20 drops lavender EO
- 20 drops Tea tree EO
- 10 drops grapefruit EO
- 10 drops Juniper EO
- 10 drops cypress EO
(or—100 drops total of any of: fennel, coffee, ginger, juniper, cypress, frankincense, turmeric, grapefruit, rosemary, cedarwood, carrot seed, rosemary, cinnamon, peppermint, myrrh, lavender, orange, witch hazel, tea tree)
Melt shea butter in a double boiler on pot on very low heat. Add other oils, then essential oils. Combine, pour into container(s) and let cool 24 hours without caps. Rub into skin after showers.
Sinus Relief Salve
- 1.5 oz beeswax
- 2 tbsp coconut oil
- 1 tsp jojoba oil or sweet almond oil
- 12 drops rosemary eo
- 8 drops eucalyptus eo
- 6 drops of lemon eo
- 8 drops of lavender eo

Menstrual Cramp Salve
- 4 oz beeswax
- 2.5 Tbsp coconut oil
- 3 Tsp sweet almond oil
- 4 drops fennel eo
- 8 drops marjoram eo
- 8 drops clary sage eo
- 6 drops peppermint eo
- 8 drops lavender eo
- 4 drops lemongrass eo
If you don’t want to use essential oil, infuse almond oil with fennel, marjoram, clary sage, peppermint, lavender, and lemongrass
Beard balm
- 2 tbsp beeswax
- -2 Tbsp Shea butter
- 1 Tbsp olive oil
- 2 tsp jojoba oil
- 2 tsp sweet almond oil
- 3 drops clary sage eo
- 1 drop rosemary eo
- 3 drops bergamot eo
- 3 drops tea tree eo
- 4 drops liquid vitamin e
(can also use sandalwood eo and cedarwood eo, substitute for other eos in the recipe)
If you don’t want to use essential oils, you can infuse liquid oil with clary sage, rosemary, and bergamont.
Melt beeswax and solid oils in a double boiler or pot on very low. Add the liquid oils, then eos, and combine. Then pour into container(s), let cool for 24 hours without covering. Then cover and store.
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Free zines on herbal medicine-making, chickweed, edible wild plants, edible, medicinal and utilitarian plants, home remedies for common maladies, primitive toothcare, radical mycology, and wild fermentation at Sprout Distro.